
10 Energy Reduction Tips For Your Home

Energy consumption can be costly for many households, but like most things there are ways to reduce your energy consumption.

How about trying two 100-watt bulbs turned off for at least two hours per day can save you $12 per year.

A window can also illuminate your home between 20 and 100 times more than a light bulb. It’ll save you $9 over a year.

It’s always nice to have a long warm shower, but taking shorter showers can save you money and energy. If two people in each home cut their shower time by 1-minute you would save $30.

If you cut your hot water consumption by 5 per cent, you can save $21 per year.

Fixing a hot water leak can be a huge cost saver. You can save $33 per year if you just fix the leak.

You can also adjusting your hot water heater can help save you money, too. No lower than 55 degrees and no higher than 60 degrees. If you decrease your thermostat by 5 per cent, you can save $21 per year. But, you can also remove other modes of consumption.

Stand-by electronics add up to about 10 per cent of cost associated with energy consumption. By unplugging the ones not in immediate use you can save $50. You can’t unplug your thermostat, but you can turn it down. 

If you better manage your thermostat you can save extra cash. Reducing your thermostat by 2 degrees can cut about 5 per cent of its consumption. Lowering it by 5 degrees can save 10 per cent. These simple changes can reduce the strain on your wallet by $72 per year.

It’s important to run full loads of laundry. There is more than one benefit. Less laundry later and you save money. You can save $30 if you do your laundry in bigger loads.

If you also want to reduce your consumption even further. You can hang dry your laundry. Just by doing this you can save $47 per year.

That’s a total savings of $325 per year for your household. That’s more cash in your pocket. And, not to mention you’re helping the planet survive a little longer. There are plenty of more ways to save energy in your home, be sure to check your local power companies website for details.